Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We can help. Our most frequently asked questions are below.

Q: Does Invicta Counseling accept insurance?

A: Currently we are accepting BCBS, UMR, AMBETTER and HealthChoice.

Q: What age groups do you treat?

A: We treat people from most ages. Beginning about age 5 , children, adolescents, young adults, adults, and older adults.

Q: What types of treatment are used?

A: The therapists are trained in CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing), ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy), We are also trained in CISM (Crisis Intervention Stress Management).

Q: Can you do after hour appointments?

A: We do appointments after hours by appointment only. Please call our office to schedule an appointment.